I decided to wake up last week on Monday morning and make my life even crazier than normal. Why not potty train the girls alone, sure I can do this alone and not go insane…right? WRONG!!
Since I was not prepared for this other than having bought panties and stickers a few weeks prior I was nervous about the girls reaction to the low key potty day. To my surprise they were excited to choose their princess or Minnie and Daisy panties and so it began.
As Madi Belle often says, Look at me! They are growing up too fast.
Logan joining in the designated sitting area, since he is in diapers to feel like he was included he went shirtless the first day.
Hey there blue eyes xoxo
Some of the incentives – Tangled panties, Cinderella and Tinkerbell washcloths, necklaces, along with candy, stickers, praise and love.
Sticker charts at the end of the day, Madison obviously does not potty nearly as often as Elizabeth nor does she want M&M’s or stickers. We have always known Elizabeth thrives on praise and it made this so much easier for me. I have no idea how many times I asked, do you need to pee-pee or poopy on the potty? Brandon thought I was crazy when he was home 15 minutes and he had already stopped counting – don’t mess with my system boy!
The start of the second day I was a little worried they had forgotten the concept when this is how they both looked on their potties.
No accidents for Elizabeth Day 1 so she got a special gift on Day 2, both girls admiring Sleeping Beauty that has two outfits (a pain in Mommys booty). Lizy LOVES this so much and is still so proud of it. Madison had two accidents the first day, one being my fault because I did not act quickly enough or believe her when she said she had to potty…bad Mommy.
I kept the kids downstairs which made them very unhappy, they have the run of the house normally and they had to stay where I could see them at all times. Logan loved having the girls and all their thing with us…precious boy.
Trying to keep my sanity and let them do whatever they want and watch anything all day long. They watch movies which helped and we now have a few more favorites. The good thing about any accidents is both girls HATE having them and we know instantly with crying.
Day two they each had an accident which is so much better than I ever expected. The only accidents occurred when they were playing with the itouch and they have not seen them since. If they get too focused they forget that they need to listen to their bodies. There had not been any pooping on the potty yet which was very odd to me, we had been practicing for two months and the only thing the girls, especially Madison, would do is poop-never pee on the potty.
Day three I was exhausted and I think we were all tired of hearing Mommy say, do you need to pee-pee or poop on the potty? Logan had OT in the morning and during that time Elizabeth decided that’s when she was going to poop, hello Miss Kellye. Girl just sat down and stared her down…cracked me up and I must have apologized 10 times. Thankfully she has been with our family since the kids were six months old and feels like a part of our family. Madison is the only one that had accidents this day and she had a lot, or maybe just a lot to me. She waits until the very last second to go and then is so mad when she potties on her big girl panties. I seriously debated only training Elizabeth with the thinking Madison just did not understand what was going on. Maybe she couldn’t control her body or maybe she has other things going on that we don’t know about, my mind thinking worse case scenario.
The day I dreaded, day 4 arrived. Elizabeth had a follow up with the doctor after an ear infection and all three were getting their flu shot. I was so nervous putting them in the car but it had to be done. I asked Heather, a fellow quad mom, her opinion on Madison and the doctor visit. She talked me off my ledge since I was thinking of just stopping all together, so thankful that did not happen.
That morning, the girls dancing and flying around. They are too little to wear panties.
I did put the girls in pull-ups to go to the doctors office, it is a 30 minute drive and with the appointment being during naptime I was sure they would fall asleep and pee.
They sure proved me wrong! We got to the office and checked their “special big girl panties” that were dry and then had them try to pee in the car potty with no luck. After the nurse checked Elizabeth and while we were waiting Madison had to potty, we ran to the bathroom and she peed on the big girl potty. Of course Elizabeth was right behind her and she went also!! Not only were we so proud of them, Dr. Goebel their pediatrician was so proud as well. He had previously promised Lizy a happy dance if she was potty trained the next time she saw him and she held him to it. All three danced with their favorite doctor that they say goodnight to every night. Elizabeth even had something special to say, we asked her if she wanted to tell Dr. Goebel anything and she said, I love you Dr. Goebel. Seriously this girl is so sweet she tells us all the time that she loves him and whenever she doesn’t feel good or if her tummy hurts she wants to go see her doctor.
Madison lucked out and got the flu mist with the other two having a not so fabulous time with their flu shots. The ride home included me stopping by Starbucks, very needed. I knew they were going to be wet this time and yet again I was proved wrong and so proud. Nothing I love more than these tiny people proving me wrong and becoming such little grown ups. Extra stickers and candy were had by all as soon as we walked in the door and went potty.
Sissy look at this Mickey!
I feel bad that Logan is not included in this post that much and needed to throw a recent photo in. He has been such a trooper with the girls getting so much attention during potty training. He loves his sisters and clapped along the entire time.
The girls sticker charts after five days.
During the last two week things we have heard many times every day that keep us smiling:
Yay Madi (while clapping for herself)
Madi no pee-pee in her panties, Madi pee-pee and poopy on Elmo
Daddy you no potty on Elmo, your too big! (this was only once but I love it)
Mommy. Logan a boy, Logan not a girrrrl
I poopy on potty like big girl
No I fine
Madi silly
Mommy, sissy pooped in her pants
I need to pee-pee, (5 second later), I need to pee-pee
Mommy I get sticker, two M&M not one two Mommy
I peee-peee (with the most excitement I have ever heard)
With the weather being a bit chilly outside we had been inside all week and needed another activity. It was time for new polish on the girls toes, green for the holidays.
This was just too precious, Madison was upset and asked if Lizy could hold her. Lizy then asked if she could rub Madi Belles back, so much love until the fighting began.
This is how our nights have been, I need to poopy…really girls I don’t believe you anymore!!!! Elizabeth especially has to potty as least three times every night after she is in bed. It’s slowly getting better thank goodness.
Until next time…
We have a lot more to update on and I hope to get on here again soon if my laptop cooperates.
Love to all ~ Amy-Jo