I promise I am not ignoring you, our loyal blog follower, ya I'm talking to you. There has been a real lack of blog updates lately and for that I do apologize, but the excuse is a good one. No news is good news! Honestly things for the most part have been a little quiet around here, not to jinx it or anything but we just kinda sit around and wait. Its a welcome change from a couple months back when fear filled our every waking second. Now that we are past viability and at 27.5 weeks we are feeling a weight lifted off our shoulders. So for now we just wait, and watch a lot of TV. I am going to miss football by the way, AJ won't but I will, weekends watching made for TV movies does not sound like a fun time to me. But everyday we are still pregnant is a blessing so we do what we must. Side note, if anyone is wanting to put money on the date the babies are coming shoot for February 1st, right about kickoff.
Anyway we did have a sono on Monday and everything was fine. They did not measure the babies so no update there. The babies all looked good, Logan continued his game of hide and go seek behind the cervix, but they did finally get a picture of him (haven't had one in about a month).
AJ gained 2 lbs last week for a total weight gain of 27 pounds. Not a lot of weight but all things considered the doctors are pretty happy. And the most important thing is the babies are growing (which they are). I finally worked up the courage to step on a scale myself. I have avoided this like the plague and was shocked to discover I ONLY gained 8 pounds. Never in my life have I been happy to gain 8 pounds, except when you fear it could have been 20. I had the fat trifecta working with 1. Pregnant Wife, 2. Holidays, 3. Hospital Stay = lots and lots of eating out, and still only gained 8 pounds. I had a couple things working in my favor though, one I already had a few extra pounds sticking around and two haven't been able to drink beer. I miss beer, I really hope they still make it when I can drink it again in 18 years.
She is still on the Procardia for contractions. They have picked up in number and intensity the last week which has left AJ in a little more pain the normal. At this point she really has to work hard just to be uncomfortable. Most of the time she is in pain, except during Ambien time of course.
A couple new Ambien highlights too, they are too funny not to share. She has stumbled upon a new theme to get me out of bed when she needs me for something. And I am not talking about getting me out of bed a 7AM, this is more like 3 or 4AM. There are two main reasons she needs out of bed or needs help at this hour, she is hungry or she has to use the restroom (I have said this before but this has been good practice for me as its like I already have a child). Instead of simply asking me "Can you get me something to eat?" or "Can you help me to the bathroom?" she found a "better" way to ask. It goes a little something like "Brandon, wake up! Wake up! Are you hungry?" (remember this is at 3AM) or "Brandon, do you have to pee?" Yes of course I am hungry, I was just too busy sleeping to do anything about it. Let me get up and eat something now. Honestly I found it too funny not to help her, she's creative have to give her credit there.
I did finally get the nursery painted last weekend, with some help from some friends. Thanks to Tara, Corey, Kris and Phil! With the team we were able to knock out the nursery and my office in one day so it didn't take multiple days. Its just painted not put together yet so no pictures to share as right now it looks like just your everyday, run-of-the-mill junk room. Its a work in progress.
That's it for now, hopefully another boring week. Who are we kidding Superbowl is still two weeks off so a boring couple weeks! Oh and sorry for wasting 10 minutes of your time reading my ramblings, boy can I stretch out a blog.
Lex senior year of FOOTBALL!
5 years ago
almost 28 weeks! that is something to celebrate!
YEah for boredom!!!!!! That is a good thing! Brandon, you do wonderful posts; I love reading them.
AJ, as for comfort from here on out, sorry to say, I never found any! You are doing sooooo awesome! I cna't tell you how many people ask me about you & are amazed when I tell them. YOU GO GIRL!
Tell the kids to hang out for Valentine's day makes for better parties that way.
Boredom is GREAT!! Enjoy it while you can since boredom will completely elude you for the next 5 years or so. Congrats on the weight gain (both of you)!
My babies were born at 27wks3d, I had gained 22 lbs. The babies were all good sized so I think it sounds like you are doing great!!
You'll need that beer much sooner than 18 years from now....
Hang in there!!
You never bore us..we are always waiting to hear how you guys are doing!
Boredom for you guys is good though!!
Glad things are quiet for now!!
Your ambien stories crack me up!!
Amy Jo, I'm so glad you're doing well. Take time to reflect on your pregnancy--and having all the babies together for only a few more weeks--then you will have to share them with the world. I promise you will soon miss the times when they move in your belly!! Don't worry about weight gain--the babies will take what they need and by May you will be so glad you only gained 30 lbs. or so!!! It will be ultimate envy for the women who birthed 1 baby and gained 75lbs! As a sidenote for Brandon--I gained 12 lbs with my triplet pregnancy while my husband gained 28 lbs--he blames it on the months of bedrest--when he tells the story I remind him I was the one on bedrest! Take all the Ambien you can get--in about three months you'll be wishing you had more. Also take time to enjoy dear sweet Cody--he will be missed but never forgotten. Prayers and Love, Mary-Elizabeth
Thanks so much for the update. Your blogs are great Brandon-keep up the good work (every "pregnant" dad gains weight)! Way to go Amy-keep growing those babies. We pray for you daily and you are on our churches prayer list every week. Our bible study group and friends are always asking for the latest news. Enjoy the boredom right now as it will soon be anything but boredom. I was looking at out twin grandchildren yesterday and can't believe how fast they have grown-they will be 4 on Jan 27th! I'm sure your parents are anxiously awaiting these grandchildren. God bless all of you-feel His wonderful arms around you caring for you and the babies now and forever. Get your rest! Love and lots of prayers, Joanne
Brando...I just had to be evil and let you know I just finished a beer just for you. ;) Glad to see that all is well and moving along toward the big day. If it happens on Feb 1 just tell her to be patient and hold it for a few hours. That would be a great move. Let us know if there is anything at all we can do for you. Riley is almost 2 1/2 months now and changing every day. You'll be at this point before you know it.
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