They are 1 month old today, hard to believe as it has flown by. I have no doubt that before I know it they will be asking for the keys to my flying electric car, made by GM (ya I'm a believer). The current weights are Madison 4lb 7.6oz, Elizabeth 4lb 9.2oz, and Logan 4lb 8.8oz. Madison is now taking two bottles a day, this is big. As long as she continues her current pace she could be ready to come home in as little as two weeks, provided she also quits having Brady's. Logan and Lizy are a little bit behind and we are hoping to see some significant improvements at their next bottle trial Friday. They were all moved into open cribs this week, which means they are able to maintain their own body temp, another big milestone.
While all this was going on AJ and I were stuck at the house unable to visit. I came down with a chest cold and wisely stayed clear of the babies in the early stages. I wasn't sure if I was sick, but played it safe and glad I did. Amy-Jo then caught my cold and we were both banned from the room. Banned may be to harsh of a word, more like strongly advised to stay away until we feel better. This was not easy, AJ wanted nothing more then to be with her kids and staying home was killing her. Not to mentioned my Dad was in town and we were taking on some home improvement projects that proved to be a little messy. They look good now but at the time, lets just say I doubt the kids will ever be able to equal the mess their Grandpa and I created this week. Urrr, let me take that back I don't want them reading this one day and take that last line as some kind of "challenge". Thanks to my Dad for the hard work this week getting the house ready for the babies and bringing down the shower gifts.
So, the shower gifts, um ya a little much people. Not to say Amy-Jo and I are not truly grateful, because we are, but y'all shouldn't have (how did you like the Texan coming out there). It was crazy the amount of gifts everyone sent. We are so lucky to have such great friends and family willing to help out. Truly overwhelming. I took an aerial picture of all the gifts, pretty big pile. We had this big plan to take pictures of us opening each gift and send it to everyone, but we opened them over about a three day period and usually between the hours of 9PM and 11PM so the picture thing kinda got pushed aside. But to recap, Amy-Jo smiled a lot, ooo'd and ahhh'd some, and cried a little. I tried my best to keep up with wrapping paper, selecting the next gift and writing down the bazillion things everyone gave us. It was fun and we so wished we could have been there will all of you, next time we have triplets we will definitely be there.
Finally, I couldn't end this post with out mentioning the tragic news that this world lost one of its finest people this past week. Amy-Jo's Grandfather, Donald Begley Sr., passed away suddenly Saturday at the age of 80. Since joining this family I have had the honor of spending a few holidays with Grandpa, always donning his white bucket hat, and I can say this world is a sadder place without him. He was always the first to tell a joke or pull a prank, and made you feel part of the family right away. You could tell the second you met him the love and pride he felt for his family. He loved life and it showed. Don will be missed.